Winning good painting jobs is just about to get easier, and a new Canadian mobile phone app and website called eRenovate is the reason why. Sign up and create a business profile that includes a description and a photo gallery. You can even add an intro video if you want.When property owners looking for a painter in your area post their job on the eRenovate system, it automatically sends an invitation to you for a bid. You can review project photos and details, provide a quote, and send an intro video with your info if you want. You get direct contact with interested clients and are free to exchange texts, emails or phone calls, prior to setting up an onsite meeting to provide a quote.
It’s like a dating service for painters. Leads come to you, and you can deal with them more quick- ly than the old fashioned way. “Our motto is Click, Connect and Quote,” says Tom Cordeiro, president of eRenovate. “Our goal is to make it easier for tradespeople of all kinds to get the jobs they want. The less time you spend looking for painting jobs, the more time you spend making money. The app also keeps out the riffraff, the tire-kickers and the fly-by-night painters through a professional verification process. eRenovate is open now for painters and contractors to sign up.”
The app opens its doors to the public this fall, and that’s when job notifications will start coming through. Learn more and sign up at or email them at